The popularity of search topics on Google can vary over time and is influenced by current events, trends, and user interests, but historically, some topics that have been consistently popular include:

  1. News and Current Events: Users often search for the latest news, updates, and information on current events.
  2. Entertainment: Searches related to movies, TV shows, celebrities, and entertainment events.
  3. Technology and Gadgets: People search for information about the latest gadgets, software, and tech-related news.
  4. Health and Wellness: Searches for health tips, medical information, and fitness routines are common.
  5. Travel: Users often search for information on destinations, travel tips, and reviews.
  6. How-To Guides: Searches for instructional content on various topics, ranging from DIY projects to cooking recipes.
  7. Finance and Business: Queries related to stock market updates, financial advice, and business news.
  8. Sports: Information about sports events, scores, and athlete updates.
  9. Shopping and Product Reviews: Users search for product reviews, best deals, and online shopping information.
  10. Social Media and Trends: Searches related to social media platforms, influencers, and trending topics.

Keep in mind that these trends can change, and the most searchable topics on Google are influenced by real-time events and user interests. For the latest information, you may want to explore tools like Google Trends or check Google’s own yearly “Year in Search” reports.